24 Oct


This past Saturday, the third Saturday of October, is always the date of the Head of the Charles, a rowing race in Boston. I’ve gone to the Head of the Charles every year since 1992, with the exceptions of 1998, when I went out to Seattle, and last year, when I lived in Ecuador. Here’s the catalog:
1992: spare for Cornell
1993-1995: champ 8 in Wisco boats
1996: coach for Mendota
1997: coach and rower in champ 4 for Camp Randall
1999-2000: Camp Randall’s champ 4
2001-2003: champ single

I’ve determined that this past Saturday was the first time that I’ve ever been in Madison during the third Saturday of October. IN MY LIFE! This information is probably not very interesting to anyone but me, but I haven’t been posting consistently, and something is better than nothing.