13 Apr


Today is the strike. I had one student who made it to class. And despite the fact that they’re a government organization, SECAP locked the doors to all the classrooms, so I couldn’t really have class anyhow. When I left the school after having talked in Spanish to my one student for an hour, the guards had to open up the gates to the parking lot.

I had an interesting conversation with my student. He told me all sorts of sayings about money, like “Money doesn’t give you happiness, but it gives you peace of mind,” or “you can buy the bed, but you can’t buy the dream,” or “here in Ecuador, we don’t like luxury, but we like comfort.”

Anyhow, I’m currently at the Plaza with Eileen and my siblings, watching a commercial being made. Eileen has a really good story to tell about locking herself out of the apartment. Please harrangue her about posting it. Sorry for the delay in recent days. I’ve been working on an essay.