Our trip to Ecuador has started off quite excitingly. Yesterday, our flights from Milwaukee and Chicago went resonably smoothly. We had an hour-long delay coming into Miami, but made it there with plenty of time to make our connection to Quito. Unfortuantely, Frances scared the bejeebus out of the airlines and our flight was canceled. It isn’t abundantly clear why our flight was canceled, since there was another flight to Ecuador that successfully left within a half and hour of our flight and the weather is just now (11:46am) starting to deterriorate. But at any rate, it looks like we will be bonding in Miami with the other WorldTeach volunteers for a few days. We’re set up in a hotel in west Miami and according to the weather channel, we shouldn’t be in the hard-hit zone. As far as flights out of Miami, currently we’re scheduled to leave on Sunday, but it’s hard to know when the airport will begin functioning again. So, we’re trying to make the most of it. And Tim and I feel pretty lucky, first of all to be safe, and second to have all of our luggage! Unfortunately, quite a few of the volunteers are missing some of their baggage. We’ll try to keep this blog up to date as long as we have hotel internet… Hopefully we’ll soon be writing from Ecuador!!!
We miss all of you already