Mmm. . . sins.
The Seven Gummie Sins: Greed
Originally uploaded by Wiedmaier.
There’s a great gallery on flickr of gummy bears depicting the seven deadly sins. This one here is greed. In more ways than one, it makes me hungry.
The Seven Gummie Sins: Greed
Originally uploaded by Wiedmaier.
There’s a great gallery on flickr of gummy bears depicting the seven deadly sins. This one here is greed. In more ways than one, it makes me hungry.
Will leaves tonight for Buenos Aires. It’s been great having him around. He’ll fly back to Quito on June 15th, and then he’ll travel some more — maybe to the beaches of Ecuador, maybe to Peru, maybe to Costa Rica. His return gives us another landmark in time that illuminates how soon we’ll be back in Wisconsin. He comes back here in mid-June; a month later, I’m heading home to move into the house and re-roof.
I’ll start petitioning everyone now: we need a big homecoming party for Eileen, so set aside August 1st or so. We’ll know the exact dates soon. Also, keep some time free after July 20th to help me move into the house. Will’s going to ask a former-roofer friend of his to help us re-roof the house before Eileen gets back. It should be a two or three day project.
The above picture, by the way, is of me giving Will breakfast in bed last week.
Last week, the landlord’s dog Bella gave birth to four puppies. They came to get me at 10:00 to say that she was starting to deliver. I really wanted to see it. But when Will and I went over there, she didn’t perform. She was visibly uncomfortable, but it would be another four hours before the first puppy came. I stayed up and went over there a few times, but by 12:30 I had given up hope that it was going to happen soon. In the morning, there were a total of four pups. Two black ones, a white one, and a tan one. The white one is the only male and is the runt.
They’re going to keep one of the pups and sell the others. They’re trying to decide between the oat-colored one (as they call it) or the black one with the beard and tie (she has two patches of white, on her chest and her chin).
Their eyes should open in a week. Their tails have already been chopped. Cute little things. They keep telling us to take one back to “Winsconsin.”
Well, it’s been a slow week in Lake Wobegon. I mean Quito. So this week is picture week. We’re gonna post a new picture every day. How about that?
Below, you will find a picture of the drain in our living room (?). It is covered by a paper towel folded in fourths. It is always covered. If someone accidentally kicks the paper towel off the drain, we usually smell it before we see it. It used to smell bad. In the first months, before we knew what was happening, we mistakenly thought that bathroom odors were somehow drifting down the stairs. We frequently accused each other of “ripping one.”
Now, however, the smell that is occasionally allowed to escape from the fiendish hole is not simply bathroom stench. It is raw sewage meets pickled vomit meets toxic swamp. It is like a dead frog that you find underneath a wet, moldy towel that you left in a plastic bag out in your back yard. It is like a tipped port-a-john at a rowing regatta where at least three teams had gotten food poisoning at Chuck-E-Cheese’s the night before. Indeed, it is a porthole to hell itself.
If only we could blog smells.
Suffered a brief bout of stomach bugs on Thursday. Thursday night was ugly. I’ve now thrown up six times in Ecuador. As I was throwing up early Friday morning, I was thinking, “okay, this really isn’t so bad.” You kinda learn how to control the heaves. And you almost always feel much better after the second session.
I haven’t really had any colds down here. Certainly no sinus infections. The net quantity of sickness has been the same, really. It’s just the quality that’s different.
Other news: Will leaves for Buenos Aires next Thursday. We are astounded to realize that in three months, we’ll be home. Tim has begun having teaching-high-school nightmares.
I really wanted to make a pun of some latin phrase, substituting “vomitas” for one of the words, but I don’t know enough latin.
That’s all for now.