28 Jun


Me and Gladys

Gladys was another student that originally came to me during the Preeti Wedding Migration from Preeti’s class. She’s another one who petitioned against this Ligia woman, who I now have in class. She’s not that bad yet. This morning, I had all my students sign up for their 10 minute presentation and my most recent group of Preeti imports (about 8 of them) were tight-lipped. They wouldn’t volunteer for a time slot. It was ridiculous. One of them finally spoke up and said, “in Preeti’s class, we gave a presentation during one hour,” which means “we gave an hour-long presentation.”

“Oh,” I replied, “then this will be easy.”

Back to Gladys: she joined us during the Preeti Wedding Migration and then went back to Preeti’s class, which was led by Ligia and Jhoana, two students I currently have in class. I remember back in February how Ligia and Jhoana interrupted my class to try to get more signatures for their selfish, shifty little petition. I don’t like them.

Anyhow, Gladys. She returned to Preeti’s class as a result of the Ligia/Jhoana-induced Great Shift but them came back to my class after one or two months with Preeti, claiming recently that it was because of Ligia. Who knows?

I can’t decide if the above description sounds more like a soap opera script or a piece of evolutionary history.

Gladys is very nice. She’s 19. She hangs out with Silvia and MariaSol, both of whom are over 30, I think. She’s currently a university student as well. Despite her old-woman’s name, she’s very enthusiastic and playful, and English comes pretty easy for her.

Last Friday, about 40% of the class took me out for breakfast at this place on Colon which I’ve walked by a countless number of times. The bread might have been the best I’ve had in Quito.