21 Jul

and then there was one

Tim and Will both headed out yesterday morning. I got a call from Tim this morning at about 6am saying that he got home safe. But flights were apparently a headache and he literally just got home. He couldn�t get from Chicago to Milwaukee last night because his flight from Miami to Chicago was delayed. So I think he said one of Will�s friends drove him home. So anyway now it�s just me holding down the fort in Ecuador. I leave next week Saturday and I really don�t have that many classes left. I have to teach Friday and then Monday through Wednesday, but Thursday and Friday of next week we just have exams. So I imagine it will be going fast.

All of you in WI should give Tim a big welcome home hug!

15 Jul

no more laptop

We just handed over the laptop to Lucky. He was a very proud new owner and he promised he’d give it a good home. So from now on all our Ecua computer activites will happen in a internet cafe. Tim however, only has a few days left here anyway.

This weekend we are going to clean the apartment throughly and pack up everything (I don’t think Tim trusts my packing skills). So I’m gonna live out of the suitcases for a week or so. It’s finally starting to sink in that we are actually leaving soon. Tim�s classes had farewell parties yesterday and today – it�s strange to be saying goodbye. This Saturday we are planning on having some friends over for a little parillada (BBQ) and it�s weird to think it will probably be the last social event at our apartment.

However, we are of course excited to see everyone back home. And in cat news, we�ve had news that Winnie has apparently decided to forgive Pablo. At least for now.

12 Jul

18 days

Eileen: I need new shoes.

Tim: Well, in 18 days, you’ll be able to buy some back home. We could actually get you new shoes a day after you get home.

Eileen: Yeah, but that will be Sunday.

Tim: Yeah? Stores are open on Sunday in the United States.

Eileen: Oh yeah.

09 Jul

The Whistler

Yesterday Tim and I had lunch in the Mariscal so I didn’t leave the neighborhood after my morning classes. We ate at the very gringo but safe and tasty Magic Bean. After lunch we stopped at Lucky’s work and picked up the deposit for the computer. He was giddy: it was pretty fun to watch. By the time we left his job, it was about 2:30. I decided I’d rather kill an hour down in the Mariscal than bus it back home only to have to come back to teach the night classes I’ve been subbing for this week. So Tim and I went to El Espiral and bought about 6 new DVDs, for a grand total of $15. Tim headed back home at about 3:00 so I decided to go to the politechnica (where I’m teaching this cycle) and plan a little in the teacher’s lounge before class started.

As I entered the teacher’s lounge my heart sank: The Whistler was there. The Whistler is an older Ecuadorian guy who teaches in the morning. Back when I taught at the other building I would get to school at about 6:30 when the building would open so I would always have enough time to be ready for class. The Whistler would also arrive early. Every morning he’d say, “Buenos d�as” and then some form of “how are you?” I’d usually reply in Spanish with the appropriate, “Good, morning. I’m good, how are you?” One day a few months ago though, I said, “I’m ok.” He ranted in Spanish for a couple of minutes about how everyone should be good, and life is wonderful, etc. So after that I stuck to the “good.” The most irrtitating characteristic of The Whistler though is not his morning chat but, of course, his whistling. After the formalities are done he starts. Usually it’s an unidentifiable but occasionally he’ll break out with something like Beethoven’s Ninth. Oh, and it’s always out of tune. Always. When I found out that this cycle I had to work at the other building I was disappointed because new I wouldn’t see the other teachers that I’d made friends with as frequently. Also, there isn’t free internet at the Poli. But I thought at least there’d be no Whistler. First day of class this cycle, yep, he was there.

So you can understand my disappointment when I saw him sitting at the teacher’s table. However, I noticed he was eating a sandwhich. Since you can’t eat and whistle at the same time I thought maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. So I got out my books and started figuring out Monday’s lesson. I couldn’t help but notice The Whistler is a LOUD eater. He was smacking his lips and making plently of other noises. I just tried to ignore it. When he finished eating he did start whistling a little. Ach. But then, miraculously, he stopped. Only when I looked up he had lit a cigarrette! The teacher’s room is small and smoking is not allowed. I gave up. I packed up my books and went and sat out on a bench out in the hall until I had to teach.

Who knows when the The Whistler will strike again…

29 Jun

pie and fever

Yesterday was our second wedding anniversary. We spread out the excuse for celebrating over last weekends’ trip to Mindo until the actual day. I had decided I would try to make a pie here, so I emailed my wonderful pie-making friend, Robbin, and solicited the recipe. It was going to be a surprise, but I couldn’t quite hold in the excitement. So Monday Tim helped me buy strawberries, raspberries, and mora (a fruit similar to blackberry). Tuesday I finished teaching, met Tim at the Plaza de Las Americas, worked out, and headed to Supermaxi to buy disposable pie tins. I couldn’t resist buying a bouquet of flowers too… they had daisies like we had one our reception tables and flowers are too cheap NOT to buy. When I got home I put my bags down and noticed my cell phone beeping. I had 2 messages from Tim “I see you and your flowers.” “Happy Anniversary!” He had left the house for a meeting before I got home, but on his way home from lunch he had bought 2 dozen roses which were on the kitchen counter. You can never have too many flowers.

Pie making was a little scary at times (I didn’t know if the crust would work at altitude), but everything worked out in the end. Pics to come soon.

Unfortunately, Tim came home early from his night class with a raging fever, shivering and declaring that he wanted pie. Poor guy. We got him wrapped in some blankets in bed and he took some aspirin. He had “a sliver” of pie because he asked so pathetically. He is feeling better today, he still has a fever, but it’s going down. I’m subbing for his night class so he should get lots of sleep tonight.