03 Sep

Genuflecting and jonesing for a cigarette.

On Friday night, my Aunt Nancy stopped by Madison on her way to LaCrosse with my Grandma. They came to our house and we talked for a while; we showed them the impressive scrapbook Aunt Pat put together; and then we all went out to Monty’s Blue Plate Diner for dinner.

We had a booth right by the front window, allowing me a view of Atwood Avenue and the Barrymore Theater just across the street. Nancy was in the middle of telling us a story when I looked out the window and saw a red-haired, bearded guy wearing a fishing hat bend over on the sidewalk and pick something up. He then started crossing himself and turned and came straight toward the restaurant window. Just outside the window, he stopped again and bent over the cigarette receptacle outside. It was one of those that looks like an upside-down top, like this
cigarette receptacle

The guy opened it up, took out about 5 butts, and put each one in his shirt pocket, and then walked away crossing himself again. Thank God for butts.

01 Sep

Back in high school

So today was the first day of school for freshmen, and as part of the day’s introductory program, a large team of seniors lead the newcomers through a school tour and several icebreaking activities. I had a freshman homeroom, but because of the “senior citizens,” as they’re so cleverly called, I didn’t really do much of anything in my homeroom. The seniors did it all, and I just observed them. It was funny to see how they kind of stuttered their way through the various activities and speeches. A lot of rules to games were changed halfway through, and more than once, they found themselves in the position of being a few minutes ahead of schedule and needing to fill the empty space with some variation on BS.

At one point, they were doing the M&M icebreaker — the one where you pass around M&Ms and everyone grabs a few and then each person needs to introduce themselves and say one “interesting” thing about themselves for each M&M they have. Here was the introduction, roughly:

“Ok, so, we’re gonna pass around these M&Ms. Take as many as you want, but don’t take all of them cuz . . . well, should we tell them? No. Okay. Well, take however many you want, you know, like within reason. Yeah take like four or five . . . or, yeah. Or just one.”

30 Aug

The Dresslers

This past weekend, Eileen and I went to a wedding down in Kenosha. Kris Dressler married Leslie Rattan. Kris goes by the name “Dress” to the extent that the guy who married them said something like, “Dress, do you take Leslie to be. . . ” On the way home from the wedding, Eileen and I were discussing how Leslie’s new name, Leslie Dressler, sounds a little strange not just because of its slant rhyme, but because “Dressler” is essentially the first name of the man she married.

“Leslie and Dressler sounds okay, but Leslie Dressler sounds really strange,” Eileen observed. “It would be like if my name had become Eileen Tim. Now, Leslie Kristofer sounds alright. . .”

Sounds good to me, too.

28 Aug

Plumber Dude

This past week, the plumber dude came over to fix our leaking shower. We call him plumber dude because he says “dude” a lot, which adds to his entertaining nature. And he’s the coolest plumber I’ve ever dealt with (he’s also the third, so. . .). In any case, it was one of the most pleasant interactions I’ve ever had with a home improvement house call. Lots of times, those guys kinda scold you when they come across some amateur work. You know, something like, “You put in this dry wall?” You answer meekly, “yeah?” And then they berate you on how the taping job is messy and you didn’t go all the way down to the floor did you? And you start lying.

I accompanied plumber dude into the workspace, pointing out the various problems and mentally taking notes on his work. At one point, when he was working on the showerhead, he said to me, “who put this teflon tape here?” I thought about blaming my brother, but I told the truth and said, “I did.” I readied myself for a little lecture on how the teflon tape was the cause of the whole problem, but instead, plumber dude said, “teflon tape rocks!” and went on working.

24 Aug

Still in progress

Well I’ve managed to save all the old entries and whatnot, but updating to wordpress is a little more complicated. I’m basically redesigning everything. So. Right now, I’m using some other guy’s template just so the page is visible. I like his idea of changing headers, so I think I’ll try to implement that, but otherwise, I’m going to try to go back to everything I used to have. In the meantime, what you see is what you get. The entries transferred well except that the punctuation is a little differently formatted.

I have some stories to tell, including the Holmen parade and the fish boil, both from last weekend. So stay tuned.