19 May

The sink

The sink

You thought I was lying about the black sink, didn’t you? Well here’s the proof.

The Plaza internet is not working properly, so I can’t get to wiscostorm. But I can get to flickr, so here you go. Eileen and I are off to Banos for the WorldTeach “end service” meeting. We will be there today, Friday, and Saturday, returning Sat. night, I think. Tim has been busy working on two new websites, which he hopes to launch soon. Rowoars.com and ryegoose.com. You can check them out and see the rough drafts. If you know any rowers who might submit a good rowing story, please tell them to go the rowoars site and submit.

Ok. That’s all for now. Communication over the next few days will be a little “spotty,” as the Brits say. We’ll try to get to internet in Banos, but we don’t really know our schedule. Some people are leaving the country in a few weeks. Crazy. Tim’s got two months remaining as of tomorrow. Even that’s crazy.

Anyhow, now you know. The kicked-in door now complements the rest of the SECAP surroundings. It was all true.