24 Jun

First Day of Summer

School got out a week and half ago, but I taught a class at Write by the Lake, a week-long writing retreat here in Madison, so my summer vacation has just begun. I now become a part-time stay-at-home dad, which I’m mostly looking forward to. (The only thing bridling my enthusiasm is the whole nap thing, which continues to be a “trying” time in multiple sense of the word: the baby tries to stay awake, and I try to maintain my sanity. I’m sure the arrangement will result in the occasional poignant scene: a father and daughter in two separate rooms in the same small house, both crying.)

We’ll have to establish some sort of routine in the next few weeks; I’m hoping to work in lots of bike riding (we have a nice new bike trailer for Cora), lots of work on creative projects and writing, and at least 50 pages of reading a day, which, I just calculated, should get me through 3,150 pages by summer’s end. I may also try to update here with some more regularity, though I can’t make any promises about what sort of content may come–other than a relatively confident assertion that this will not turn into a daddy blog.

On that note, here’s my daughter in a laundry basket:
Cora in basket

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